Welcome, Santa’s Workshop, to the Amazon Corporate Family
Does this mean Santa's Workshop will close? Santa's Workshop will live on as a digital storefront competing with hundreds of counterfeiters.
Does this mean Santa's Workshop will close? Santa's Workshop will live on as a digital storefront competing with hundreds of counterfeiters.
Baby's First Oil Field Science Kit – Rebuild a scale model of the oil fields owned by great-great-grandpa Thurston Moneybags III!
I hope this level of detail gives you a clear understanding of the lengths that many of us would go to avoid any more forced, holiday-themed fun.
Seeing as though you sent in your application approximately 56 seconds after we sent out the form, you were a little too late.
We will reach out to you if your qualifications meet our needs. / We will reach out to you if your needs are met by your parents.
Wounded Keyboard Warrior Project – Provides ergonomic computer interfaces for patriots injured in online political arguments.
Subscription to the Nonrefundable Security Deposit Wine of the Month Club – Let them drown their sorrows with Funk Band Bordeaux or Bouquet of Rosé.
I tried swing trading, but I guess I misunderstood what that meant, because the cops got called the second I showed up at the playground.
I am in the wrong house. Where are the 17 pieces of paper asking me to vote Jackie F to help save the environment?
"When was the last time you worked?" Well, technically, as the Messiah, I am always working. But as a carpenter, I worked about three months ago.
My role is basically the same as that of a principal except I don’t know how to run a school and I own 15% of its graduates’ earnings in perpetuity.
I was last seen breaking into Madison Square Garden and jamming out to Blueprint where I fell asleep with a bleezie and burnt the building down.