Please Donate to My Kickstarter So I Can Buy a Hot Tub
The goal of my Kickstarter is to accrue enough money to purchase a full-sized hot tub and have it installed in my studio apartment so I can bring in a flock of new friends.
The goal of my Kickstarter is to accrue enough money to purchase a full-sized hot tub and have it installed in my studio apartment so I can bring in a flock of new friends.
I think what you saw in your head must have been a bloody, horrific uprising in a non-specific distant incarnation of the East Coast in which the government rules all.
I’m a foodie at heart, but I’m cheap and lazy in reality. With a bit of elbow grease and macaroni, I’ve figured out a way to both have my free cake and eat it to excess.
Have you ever wanted to start playing the stock market? Here's a list of signs to look out for in your everyday life and how to interpret them for investing purposes.
Taxes can be complicated, but most people don't realize there are tons of benefits they can receive that H&R Block won't touch with a wooden stick! Haha! Hova!
Good morning! I see you're looking at our selection of zombie-proofed vehicles. These certified ZUV's are very popular now and we've got quite a few nice ones in stock.
The creative process is cool but I need some serious money. I bet you crave the same. Digest my three-part prescriptive program for making millions.
Before you pack up your Phish CDs and attempt to grow out your ridiculous white person dreadlocks to move to Colorado for legal marijuana, heed this advice.
I'd like to see a new generation of super poor filmmakers rip off the RIP-OFF movies, but without even the second-rate fancy shit.
Few people throw serious money into movie re-enactment. Yet most of the props can be found around the house, and the set is usually the neighborhood playground.
It has been brought to my attention that sometimes people get sober. Mostly because they don't have enough money or brain cells left to take drinking to the next level.
What I am proposing is a student loan program that will allow poor young people to go to university and be useful to society: I call it the Indentured Student Loan.