Two Sports-Talkers Talking Sports Talk
HELLOOOOO! Hope you brought the peanut butter, because that my friend was a mouthwatering jam!
HELLOOOOO! Hope you brought the peanut butter, because that my friend was a mouthwatering jam!
Life isn’t about enjoying things. It’s about adhering to specific body norms! On your deathbed you won’t be wishing you ate more bonbons.
Resting Pitch Face – Appears on the verge of talking to you about his screenplay, TV pilot, or tech startup (avoid elevators).
I wish there were “other solutions.” But heavy drinking’s already been taken as a solution to politics.
The Foul-Tempered Oboe: Quicker to anger than the clavier, will just as soon stab you with a double-reed as look at you.
“You should smile more” – To remedy my resting bitch face, I am going to pull my lips apart with duct tape so that I will have a permanent smile.
I am the only one with fingers, so I have the job of breaking sticks in two and putting them in a pile. I have also been designated a “performer.”
When you're giving CPR and their mouth is stuck petrified in an O-shape, so when you blow it makes them whistle.
“My heart hasn’t really been into scaring him lately, he’s such a good kid, and I was getting pretty bored down there. So I bought the phone."
Is there any way to make the heartburn shoot actual flames out of our mouths? That would be a nice party trick.
You checked the closet and it wasn’t a monster, it was nine blue goblins. They play poker every Thursday night and they apologized for the noise.
“If you could clear out all the space in your mind, you’d have a doorway.” Enter the airing of grievances!