Re: Help Me Obi Wan,…
Due to many frightful circumstances relating to galactic space evil, I must speak over discretely email.
Due to many frightful circumstances relating to galactic space evil, I must speak over discretely email.
I guess I just need some time to wrap my perfectly symmetrical head around this bizarre predicament.
Doctor Zhivago vs. Babe – This talking pig is out for revenge against the Russian physicist and poet who ate his brother.
We would like to apologize to some of our team members for leaving them off our initial list: Kyle in shipping, our office temp Brayden, and Aquaman.
It consists of wearing a bespoke suit, carrying a pocket watch, looking through binoculars, and having a staunch belief that America peaked in 1948.
Gotham's oldest enemy? Health and safety code. How do people keep falling into pits of bubbly wubbly goo?
Elon Musk’s latest infuriating tweet is presented by 43,000 retweets to preserve the integrity of his reputation as a rich doofus.
Trees should never be shown without all their leaves. Bras are to be referred to as "Personal Lady Upholstery."
I was hesitant about bringing up my favorite books, the "Horny Pottrom" series, but I had to know the truth.
I am a large gorilla. And gorillas are soft, exoskeleton-less, atomic-breath-lacking, nonaquatic, vegetarian mammals.
Cars 4: Big Victorian Bicycles, a story about an 1860s bi-pedal speedster who is on a quest to get both of his wheels to be the same size.
Superman, now able to construct luxury buildings in a single bound, becomes the most powerful contributor to Metropolis’s rampant gentrification.