Easier Games to Play on Drugs After Watching “The Queen’s Gambit”
Chess may be cool now, but it's still super hard. Here's a handy list of easier games you can play while you're high out of your mind.
Chess may be cool now, but it's still super hard. Here's a handy list of easier games you can play while you're high out of your mind.
Everyone thinks they know me and my story ever since they saw me standing majestically in the foreground of a snow-covered mountain.
Nietzsche: The dishes cannot be done because they are no longer dishes; they are merely objects awaiting their next social construction by humans.
The Weather Outside (2017): Grace finds herself stuck in Gingerbread, New York, a single-industry hamlet at some undisclosed locale upstate.
The tension from the end of the last film has not gone away, things are getting more tense between the logs as the fire continues to rage.
The first thing I noticed was my temporary roommates smiled and clapped each time they saw the Grinch’s glorious glutes.
She has experienced the perfect amount of sexual oppression and shame to properly teach your daughters about their growing bodies.
Did General Pacey Witter win the battle of Dawson's Creek? Test your knowledge of these intense engagements!
Welles Insisted On Playing Both the Canary and the Human: Weight fluctuations nearly killed Welles and made the insurance for the project skyrocket.
An infuriating but addicting premise, "Emily in Hot Water" chronicles the Atlantic Ocean’s journey to temperatures not seen in at least 2,900 years.
I don’t understand why no one wants to hire me. I played opposite Annette Benning, for fuck sakes.
This movie is about me. But it’s also about love and family and loyalty and Christianity, but don’t say that last part out loud.