Young Adult TV Drama or US Civil War Battle?
Did General Pacey Witter win the battle of Dawson's Creek? Test your knowledge of these intense engagements!
Did General Pacey Witter win the battle of Dawson's Creek? Test your knowledge of these intense engagements!
Welles Insisted On Playing Both the Canary and the Human: Weight fluctuations nearly killed Welles and made the insurance for the project skyrocket.
An infuriating but addicting premise, "Emily in Hot Water" chronicles the Atlantic Ocean’s journey to temperatures not seen in at least 2,900 years.
I don’t understand why no one wants to hire me. I played opposite Annette Benning, for fuck sakes.
This movie is about me. But it’s also about love and family and loyalty and Christianity, but don’t say that last part out loud.
After she breaks up with him, appears outside her window in a trench coat. With a boombox blaring the iconic song she lost her virginity to.
Don’t worry, I’ve left them with enough food to last several weeks, which in this case is a bottle cap of water and a couple of croutons.
Jess was always really happy. It’s just that she was usually too sad to show it. And I should know, as her best friend since fourth grade.
Did you know a stroke of lightning lasts roughly 30 microseconds? DID YOU?! What if I hadn’t hit the cable at the right microsecond, Doc?
It wasn't uncommon to come down to the breakfast table and see my father carefully spooning some of the fumes into his coffee.
I was last seen breaking into Madison Square Garden and jamming out to Blueprint where I fell asleep with a bleezie and burnt the building down.
The signature we have on file features Shrek ears over the "s" in an apparent reference to the 2001 DreamWorks film starring Mike Myers.