Trigger Warnings for the Insecure Moviegoer
This movie may contain scenes of happily married couples interacting pleasantly that will remind you of your current marital strife.
This movie may contain scenes of happily married couples interacting pleasantly that will remind you of your current marital strife.
Animal with four letters in its name? Easy: cat. Wait– Oh my God. I meant cat with two t’s? Ok, shake that off.
The residences you’ll pass along the way, while not precisely identical, are nonetheless completely indistinguishable.
★★★ Watched on the toilet. Very meta experience. Would recommend.
Remember how I never explicitly say that I’m gay, and instead always couch it in weird innuendos?
Reboots that have pulled child actors out of hundreds of thousands of dollars of gambling debts.
I didn’t bring my resume with me but here you go: hahahahahhaa. See, I’m good.
Experts discuss the latest lake tragedy: the uptick in water quality issues of Pennsylvania’s second-largest lake due to an increase in boat usage!
I suppose death could be right around the corner for us... In the movie, of course!
- The Bibliophile - Angela Lansbury - This Love (Taylor’s Version)
Good news! Vita Coco has just offered $4,500 to work their product into the show. Frasier just needs to say, "I’m loco for Vita Coco!"
Some things just can’t be fixed with free waffle fries.