It Would Be Wrong to Make a Jacket Out of Rob Lowe’s Skin
I understand the difference between right and wrong. And if somebody captured Rob Lowe, murdered him and made a jacket out of his skin it would be wrong.
I understand the difference between right and wrong. And if somebody captured Rob Lowe, murdered him and made a jacket out of his skin it would be wrong.
Hi, everybody. I’m Guy Fieri, and we’re rollin’ out, lookin’ for America’s greatest solved murders.
Kids need to learn that the old school tactics of not killing a person, but killing their will to live, is much safer and rewarding.
To test how realistic the mysterious Clue is, I killed six different people, each with a different weapon, in various rooms of an old gilded age mansion I rented.
Sarah Palin murdered a 9-year-old girl in Arizona the other day. It'’s true. I read it on CNN. Her death is a tragedy and Grizzly Mama is very clearly evil.
My old college <a href="">roommate sent me this link</a>. We can’t believe it’s been ten years since it happened.
Apparently the leopards in the world's fifth-largest city didn't get the memo that humans are not on the 'Animals It's OK to Murder' list.
It's not every day that somebody asks you to help them commit murder and is totally serious about it. But getaway drivers don't grow on trees.
Hey, remember that really crazy shit that went down in the back room of the carnival? Come on, I know you remember. You killed a fucking clown.
If you don't wanna end up like the local idiot on the 5, 6 and 10 'o clock news, you're gonna have to follow some basic homicide rules.