Guestbook Comments from People Who Died at This B&B
"The rooms were comfortable, the food was exquisite and my husband and I had a glorious time in the pool until they released those piranhas.”
"The rooms were comfortable, the food was exquisite and my husband and I had a glorious time in the pool until they released those piranhas.”
If thou believes thy hands cleansed when 20 seconds have tarried, thou art awakening for ill news.
I love to kick back and escape my many problems by throwing on some real archival footage of a man who horrifically murdered his entire family.
My girlfriend first noticed the absence of romance while I was in a stained dressing gown, digging wax from my ears while reminiscing about my ex.
I call my contraption "Four Score and Seven Thrills Ago: Honest Abe’s Adventures in American Aviation." I look forward to hearing from you!
Whoever is driving around a 1958 Plymouth Fury and running people over, you are being very RUDE! It is LATE!
Let's not let a few small incidents of homicide overshadow the fact we recently installed washer-dryers in every single apartment.
Earlier this afternoon I saw an unidentified man meet his life’s untimely finish line right on the same athletic track where we competed as teens.
Nothing says “Don’t sacrifice me!” like breakfast in bed. An omelet and fresh coffee is the perfect way to warm Dad up to the idea of sparing you.
Remember that I couldn't get my Hogsmeade form signed while a murderer was after me, and I still snuck out for my first sip of butterbeer.
My question is whether, if this is fated to happen, I can nudge it along by killing my boss. --Name Withheld in Scotland
Which of the following pieces of equipment can be carried off-duty by employees and even concealed? A) Avocado Masher B) SIG Sauer P320 Pistol