“The Bends” by Radiohead – Super Deluxe Ultimate Fancy Pants Sexy Limited Edition Box Set
Including "High and Dry (Kazoo Remix)" – 106-minute remix featuring Sting on kazoo, and Thom Yorke explaining that a bat is a mammal, not a bird.
Including "High and Dry (Kazoo Remix)" – 106-minute remix featuring Sting on kazoo, and Thom Yorke explaining that a bat is a mammal, not a bird.
"remember when i misread the vibe of the kickback at ur place and blacked out on a wednesday?" - nic0tin3 sad b0is
Pull taut to create a vibrato of codependence, but not so taut that you further dislodge that which has already been established in the corners.
My ex-wife sleeps with one every night to fill a void in her life from 23 years of “wasted youth.” I’m not sure who I’m more jealous of.
She usually finds people uninteresting, unless she smells fear. You’re not nervous are you?
Thanks to their tapering form, carrots are a real bitch to peel and cut up without slicing a finger. They are an accident waiting to happen.
You've heard of Lil' Wayne and Lil' Kim, but doesn't Lil’ Dipper, Lil’ Sidetracked by Social Media, and Lil’ Antsy make so much more sense?
Now, I’ll admit. I knew the words that I was singing were not in fact “words.” They were more like syllables strung together.
I will eat at a restaurant alone, as long as I can tell a friend to show up ten minutes after I’m seated and join me.
You'll mistakenly think the reeds are developing some exotic flavor. Nope --It's mold. Another thing you neglected, like your "check engine" light.
You Remind Me of Jessie’s Girl! Please, Do Tell Me, Do You Have a Name? – While just a tad bit rude, this is also respectful enough to answer!
It had been about three weeks of increasingly nasty slip-ups but perhaps now the jig was finally up.