Modern Day Robot Asskickery
Robots will soon be able to make mincemeat out of you. Think the Terminator was badass? That pussy couldn't even time travel and terminate his own illegitimate child.
Robots will soon be able to make mincemeat out of you. Think the Terminator was badass? That pussy couldn't even time travel and terminate his own illegitimate child.
These days women feel justified in being dishonest and manipulative for the sake of squeezing the most out of the men fawning over them.
When I first stepped foot onto my college campus I had one goal in mind: to bang every single chick I could. So I took a lot of notes on the methods of other guys.
If you think about it, Mexican delivery makes the most sense: you're already in loose-fitting clothing and you're already near your favorite bathroom.
Men are confronted with an inordinate amount of peers during their lives. At each stop, we ultimately have to ask ourselves, "Who are my Dudes?" and "Who are my Bros?"
Society subscribes to a weird set of rules, and how we interpret them is even weirder. For example, why is the nipple what censorship uses as the limit for upper-torso nudity?
Are you watching The History Channel right now? Something tells me you've been whisked away to the tragic world of driving a truck in Alaska, or following rednecks trying to catch alligators.
The mall and popular stores like Walmart aren't always bad, but whenever Black Friday rolls around, they somehow transform into a scene from Braveheart.
There is one man who has made it so that Jerry Sandusky is all but guaranteed to go to jail. That man is Michael Jackson. Sorry, Sandusky, you're just not famous and loved enough to get away with it.
If anyone found out these unspeakable acts were premeditated, the tolerance for them would be worn thinner than the nearly tangible membrane between good and evil.
As the literal "fat cats" of the world, Americans consume more calories per person than any other nation in the world. And it's time we accept this love affair with shitty food.
General elections are coming up throughout the country on Tuesday, November 8th, 2011. Even if you've decided not to help either party's flawed cause, here are five justifications for voting anyway.