Monologue: Why You Should Join This Packed Subway Car
Come, ye lost soul. If you keep yelling for us to “Move in,” I'm positive a black hole will spontaneously erupt right above our heads.
Come, ye lost soul. If you keep yelling for us to “Move in,” I'm positive a black hole will spontaneously erupt right above our heads.
What Michelle needs to realize is that I’m not here to waste my time. But until she texts back, that's exactly what I'll be doing.
My niece is seven, and half-birthday parties are barely acceptable for her. And she’s a goddamn princess. Are you a princess, Lou?
There are now 18 different colored bracelets that represent 139 different problems. Even Jay-Z can't rap about that much confusion.
Looks like the Associated Press is reporting fake "you don't have to floss" news, and you'll have to admit: your dentist has always been right.
Why does a beautiful girl like me only have 37 friends? Because I'm selective, that's why. Just click "confirm" already.
Where was I? How high is high? Why was I sitting there? Had I been sleeping the whole time? Is all of life a dream, as Descartes once suggested?
However it plays out, someone will target you, steal from you, and leave you angrier than you’ve ever felt in your life.
Strap in for a brews cruise around the world, from that guy who drinks a lot and probably knows stuff. Probably. Ehh, either way.
When you take a shower, your brain releases these chemicals called "neurons" that swim around in your brain and increase thought processing.
I love Gabe. He's half me. And I’m sure that fact has something to do with his literal clinginess to Kristina's quadruple-D, turn-to-see milk-pillows.
Jacob and Esther each found their soulmates, and they each happened to work at the same place as each other. Isn't God the best?