I Don’t Whistle in the Office Because I Want To, I Do It Because I Have To
The nine-to-five can be a grind, so if I’m not attempting to boost morale by blaring high-pitched ditties at every opportunity, then what use am I?
The nine-to-five can be a grind, so if I’m not attempting to boost morale by blaring high-pitched ditties at every opportunity, then what use am I?
At what point did you realize the graphic I was drawing bore a loose resemblance to male genitalia? Please complete the following sentence: "After I drew _____."
Not enough soda // A side dish that inexplicably calls for three sticks of cream cheese
I heard you call me a weenie under your breath and that makes it hard for me to focus. Could we all agree to put a moratorium on the word weenie?
I threw out my back yesterday and can’t even move today. I’m going to need to take a sick day. (Translation: My cat is sleeping on my lap)
You: Is there a financial component? Boss: Who needs money when you have the love of a decorated lump of minerals?
Apathy doesn’t gel with our mission of making dogs better-looking with the transformative power of AI.
I have to defend the rich, so that in a theoretical future where I become ultra-wealthy, I can benefit the same way they do now.
Paper Clips (Smooth Finish): You know the best jazz bars. Your turntable was designed by a Nasa engineer. You run marathons but don’t appear to sweat.
Take it from me, the CEO who only has your best interests at heart: There's a perfectly reasonable explanation for everything
We know this isn’t the news you wanted to hear, but unfortunately our pool was full of more qualified applicants or people we already know who lived closer.
Someone in the room is acting as a leader, and no one is having it