Let’s Discuss the Global Hunger Epidemic Over by Our Company’s Free Snack Drawer
Did you know that there's a hunger epidemic going on? And more importantly, did you know that the office switched to ordering from Fresh Direct?
Did you know that there's a hunger epidemic going on? And more importantly, did you know that the office switched to ordering from Fresh Direct?
Judging by how few followers he had, I probably knew him best.
5:35PM: Turn down a one-way street going in the opposite direction. I read somewhere that street signs don't apply when you only have two wheels.
Allow 10 minutes to complete this profile, or until you realize that true love is a farce, whichever comes first.
Henry Ford observed that it’s not enough to build a good car, you also need to give your workers a token pay raise to generate some good press.
"Mystery Goodie Bags": Have you ever wondered what sorts of grand and magical items find themselves behind the cushions of the Oval Office couch?
Reintroduce every person to ensure there are no people "ghosts" on the call. Remember that there will, however, be actual "ghosts" on the call.
Single-frame comic mocking PowerPoints in attempt to dissuade their use by students, displayed above desk at which you design your daily PowerPoint.
Wait a minute, if this busker is singing “Private Eyes” again, that means that he’s starting his repertoire again from the top.
He then directed me to look at the 2019 Coachella poster. “It’s the perfect tool for measuring your Cool levels. It works just like an eye chart.”
3:40 PM: It’s fine. I’M FINE. I’ll find a partner someday. This is worth it. A few moments of pain, 10 years of no child-birth. That’s the trade-off.
How would you rate the attitude of our management team? Overall did they seem motivated and alert?