I Own Bob’s Nut Kicker Funhouse, and No One Wants to Work Anymore
We offer employees (or Smash Testes Dummies as they’re known around here) a competitive salary of $2.50 an hour plus any tips!
We offer employees (or Smash Testes Dummies as they’re known around here) a competitive salary of $2.50 an hour plus any tips!
As a current job seeker, I would love nothing more than to find out what exactly those thoughts are in that big, juicy brain of yours.
This new hire, a human-in-training or “cute smushy baby," has been rude, selfish, and has made zero meaningful contributions to the company.
You pray the gods will soon fill your hands with a warm United States Passport Application. Oho! It is not so simple.
Much like the novel Coronavirus, there is something deeply disturbing about Mewtwo.
Always Be Conscious of your employee’s emotional state before saying anything that might be construed as offensive or unnecessarily ruthless.
Like a lonesome cowboy with a leather-wrapped journal, I will compose many a silent email, detailing my woes on the Outlook trail.
We find it helps take the pressure off the interviewee by keeping things light for the first 5-6 chats so we can decide if we even like them or not.
We will cover advanced topics in endodontics, and the selection, upkeep, and disposal of the countless tropical fish in your new dental office.
I am partially responsible for the continued shrinking of the middle class and growing wage gap among workers. I am sick about it.
Meg’s going to spend waaay too much time giving you unnecessary exposition about the morning of said funny story.
But if we were to bring about authentic disruption and long-lasting change, we needed to diversify our core team.