Rating the Jobs That LinkedIn Thinks I Can Do
Strategist, Influencer Marketing – What do any of these words mean, and furthermore what do they mean when they’re next to each other?
Strategist, Influencer Marketing – What do any of these words mean, and furthermore what do they mean when they’re next to each other?
- There’s a loud chewer in the group. - They look drowsy and could fall asleep at any moment.
Crying Pods: 70% of employees also reported participating in, during this past year, a daily ritual of “crying my pretty little eyes out.”
‘My’ ‘Cousin’ ‘Ben’ ‘Works’ ‘In’ ‘Accounting’ ‘And’ ‘He’ ‘Already’ ‘Flagged’ ‘My’ ‘Application’ Surprising, huh?! Who knew it was that simple?!
We would like to apologize to some of our team members for leaving them off our initial list: Kyle in shipping, our office temp Brayden, and Aquaman.
You don't really believe the peeing in bottles thing do you? If that were true, these blankets wouldn't be so soft and comforting.
Everywhere you look, soulless old demons are worshipping the man in charge. And while there is food available, all of it is from Albertsons.
NAME: Sisyphus DEPARTMENT: Underworld; Futile Labor/Endless Toil and Frustration POSITION: Boulder Administrator/Rock Coordinator
Pick teams with orange as one of their colors. Orange doesn’t rhyme with anything, and neither does victory.
If you buy a homemade ice cream maker or a cookie decorating kit, you are contributing to the child obesity epidemic sweeping America.
You’ve sworn you’ve heard the unmistakable “thunk” of a peg-leg issuing from their mic on more than one Zoom call.
Maybe before departing, the yogurt left a note for its live-in yogurt boyfriend, who was at his company kickball league going absolutely beast mode.