It Was Foolish of You to Match Wits with an Anti-Vaxxer, Detective
I’m a different breed altogether. How will you catch a man who does his own research?
I’m a different breed altogether. How will you catch a man who does his own research?
You grabbed your coffee cup and some knick-knacks and left me. Do you know what it’s like to get passed over for a Funko Pop toy?
At first, I thought something had happened to you, like that you’d fallen off the peak of a mountain in search of the most serene place to meditate.
Badly behaving sports fans (A.K.A. “Brood W”) have exploded in population due to their inability to behave in public after their long hibernation.
I am partially responsible for the continued shrinking of the middle class and growing wage gap among workers. I am sick about it.
Simon says put your hands on your hips if you didn’t realize this year’s summer games were not actually called the 2021 Olympics.
What have you been up to during Covid, other than neglecting your split ends, obviously? Did you box dye your hair? I thought so.
- Anecdote about resilience of human spirit - Science faculty smug whenever vaccine is mentioned
If in doubt, release a canary (oh, you should bring a canary) into a ventilation shaft and observe it carefully.
“Take it and you never will be sorry that you did.” “You would be surprised to find how good it really is.”
Turn on a television set in a dark room, dial into a channel that only plays static, and place both your palms against the glass.
One credit card point can be worth 1.3 to 1.7 cents. I tried explaining this to my wife, but she was on a work call and I don’t think she really took it in.