Excerpts from “Caring for Your Epilogue Baby”
Because the romance author who wrote your story didn’t quite know how to end their book.
Because the romance author who wrote your story didn’t quite know how to end their book.
Conclave: Based on the summary that my childless friend gave while dropping off a tray of lasagna, I found this story unnecessarily hard to follow.
Buckle in for the getaway of your dreams. A luxurious solo spin in your very own 2009 Honda Civic.
In those days, the money and pool snacks seemed to flow as freely as the hose we used to spray down the concrete when some kid dropped his nachos.
Stimulate Your Baby’s Senses: But avoid actual stimulants, like coffee and Red Bull.
Now you’re thinking, “Wait, is that kid’s sexy childless uncle visiting from somewhere cool like Denmark?”
Just glancing at this green expanse makes me burst with joy. It is the same feeling I had on my wedding day, and on the day you were born.
You think my child is a heinous sociopath because she killed your family cat? Ever heard of formaldehyde and Damien Hirst? It's called art.
You’re always baking anyway, what's one more batch of brownies? What about 12 extra batches?
Using the mantra, “Don’t be a crazy person,” Amy has presented as a competent, securely attached parent at drop-off time.
The Airport: For domestic flights, you should wake up at 4 a.m. and drive directly to the airport, no matter what time of day the flight is.
A bank teller overeager to waive overdraft fees on my debit card in an attempt to maintain our relationship.