Cannabis Is Medicine, Mom—Period
I think you should ask your doctor about how your lower GI issues could be alleviated with a daily regimen of Green Crack.
I think you should ask your doctor about how your lower GI issues could be alleviated with a daily regimen of Green Crack.
Registered: A brand new crib with a breathable, hypoallergenic mattress / My Baby Wanted: Our dog’s bed, full of dog hair and slobbery toys
I just don’t think I can morally justify knowingly bringing children into a world where their dad would be me.
You’re ashamed to be wearing something from Goodwill while everyone you know is wearing something gifted to them by their rich parents.
You’re young, your hormones are raging. All you want to do is figure out what the shadowy figure following you through mirrors is saying.
Looking back, I can see it was I, not yo momma, who is so dumb that I stood on a chair to raise my IQ.
We don't even know him, what if this kickass party goes to waste because your baby ends up being a loser or something?
As a point of procedure, motions for new toys normally require a one-week notice period. See Maddy v. Mom (Safeway, 2021).
Mama called the Doctor and the Doctor said, “If this is some sort of prank call, it’s not funny. I’m a busy doctor helping patients with real problems.”
Ma, you hear that? The boys say hi. They're blowing kisses too. Joe "Ice Pick" Angelini says thank you for the chicken cacciatore.
I’ve got everything lined up so this grilling experience won’t be sullied by past mistakes. Remember the infamous Frankless Fourth of July?
You’re invited to a three-year-old’s birthday party where parents are—for some inexplicable reason—expected to join their children on the trampoline.