Six DIY Cialis Halloween Costumes for the Res-Erected Dad
Oil derricks are typically monochromatic, so eliminate the hassle of cutting a hole in your pants by just going naked. Pound a Cialis with a few shots of tequila.
Oil derricks are typically monochromatic, so eliminate the hassle of cutting a hole in your pants by just going naked. Pound a Cialis with a few shots of tequila.
By night, Dick Peter Johnson roams the streets of skid row, the halls of prisons, and the cul-de-sacs of suburbia in search of the scumbags. By day, he dresses as Penisman.
Should I run down to the corner store, endure the judgmental gaze of Marlene the cock-eyed clerk who works the night shift, to buy a box of condoms? Or just wing it?
My erect penis and I walked to my dorm and mounted the steps of some side entrance. A gaped-mouth sophomore's pupils grew wide at the site of my dong. I had arrived.
These penis terms came from my brain, others' brains, and all over, and now they're all here for you, in all of their stiff, veiny glory.
Thanks to customers like you, we are proving that there is no point in using your hand when you can put your dick directly into a silicone tube.
These were the first adult penises I'd ever seen, and as an 8-year-old, it scared me enough to make me avoid changing in locker rooms for the rest of my life.
If you're a modern man, chances are you hate women. Don't be afraid, it's natural. After all, they use their vaginas to gain an advantage in life and you can't do that.
Ever wondered whether it's ok to put your penis in the freezer, in the couch, or in your neighbor's manger scene? Miraculously, all those answers are right here.
The average male has no idea that a stent removal will be the most painful, emotionally scarring experience in their life. All the best to you and your penis, sir.
If anyone found out these unspeakable acts were premeditated, the tolerance for them would be worn thinner than the nearly tangible membrane between good and evil.
Speaking of Halloween costumes, it's kind of my favorite thing to come up with, especially phallic puns. This year I've decided to go as Premature Ejaculating Santa.