At Instagram, We Like People, Including People Like Me, CEO Adam Mosseri, Who Has Just Started Therapy for the First Time
Some of you seem to be using this platform for what my psychologist, Dr. Winter, has identified as attention-seeking behavior.
Some of you seem to be using this platform for what my psychologist, Dr. Winter, has identified as attention-seeking behavior.
Ganesh, God of New Beginnings: I'm all for New Year's resolutions, but I bet you ten rupees she uses that annual yoga studio pass exactly once.
My response time is immediate. Sometimes I respond to texts before I even get them.
7:45 AM: I turn the TV on while I make breakfast. The hosts are showing how to make crab cakes for fifteen minutes straight.
June 7th, 2020: Enriched flour, Sourdough starter, Yeast, Loaf of Sara Lee in case July 4th, 2020: Watermelon, American flag to burn, Hot dogs
Journal entries dissecting a previous relationship / Bad poetry / Concerns to share with doctor / Reminder to self to be more crafty
I ree need to know if youtube dining hin fit Chirstmas, / Translation: “I really need to know if you’re coming home for Christmas.”
Am I OK? What do you care? You’re just thinking, “Did anyone like the bikini pic I posted at the pool before I ALMOST KILLED MY BEST FRIEND?”
As soon as I step away from my phone for two minutes, I come back to 8,700 unread messages. There’s no way I can keep up with it.
Hey, Maggie, I’ll cut right to the chase. Please, Maggie, confirm that you’ll see me at Miller’s Tavern tonight at 8 p.m.
JOE: Talene, it’s Joe. TALENE: I know :)) TALENE: it’s so good to hear from you TALENE: I feel like we kind of fell off a few nights ago....
Have you tried just turning your phone off and back on again? That usually seems to work for most dumb problems like yours.