This Getaway Car Is from “Pimp My Ride”
Just kinda set the money bags on your knees. I’d tell you to move the gold-plated racquet holder, but it’s welded to the center console.
Just kinda set the money bags on your knees. I’d tell you to move the gold-plated racquet holder, but it’s welded to the center console.
Anaconda on "Anaconda" (1997) Hell yeah, brother. ★★★★
Good. Don’t click the link. Now, a wild badger climbs through the break room window and makes a beeline for your unguarded computer.
Whoever wins announces total dominion over all of humanity and also, they get to go first the next round.
New reservations are released four times a year at 2:01 AM on the Winter Solstice, the Summer Solstice, the Spring Equinox, and Armistice Day.
I had been changed into the hideous Mister Jekyll. That’s right... I WAS NO LONGER A DOCTOR!!!
That was dumb. You broke your toe on a cheap desk. Inhale. Clear your mind of that very stupid thing you did. Exhale. Stupid.
Slang names for pickleball include lazy tennis, geriatric badminton, and "a weak excuse to drink Gatorade."
I’m sorry you have broader personal or political issues you haven’t resolved, but those have nothing to do with the ways I’ve been killing you guys.
Sorry, say that again? Your boys were doing what? They were “hopping” on you?
Kit is just as ready to play as she is to teach your little one about life during the Great Depression!
Our previous policy of zero in-office hawk attacks has been slightly adjusted to a new policy of many hawk attacks.