Spiders Should Start Wearing Cute Little Hats
Picture a spider eating a child, but now it’s wearing a tasteful little beret. People will ask, “Wow is that spider French?”
Picture a spider eating a child, but now it’s wearing a tasteful little beret. People will ask, “Wow is that spider French?”
We applaud you for giving us something to do with our hands other than ball them up or masturbate.
💒👀So, HOW did we build such a LOVING RELATIONSHIP? 👀💒 Here’s how 👇
I know, it’s fucked up. And I do not envy whoever has to go toe-to-toe with that buffalo of a man.
The hole for my mouth is pretty much only there for novelty reasons. No matter how hard you push, none of your cups or plates will ever fit.
This is progressing faster than I can manage—remember, I’m a marathon, not a sprint.
When you sing to your baby please use public-domain music.
Reese's Cups: “Another groveling rube clamoring for accolades simply for having done exactly what is required."
The journey has been fun, and there were certainly some parts I liked. Reading was cool.
You won't find a better price on a Halloween costume than this non-trademarked and fair use character!
Neither of us like wasabi, but these are wasabi with cinnamon and pineapple, so I have a feeling the other two flavors will overpower the wasabi.
Contains blood, gore, jump scares, high-pitched screeching instead of a real soundtrack, and gross chewing noises.