A Few Words Before the Opening of “Bagel Bites the Musical”
Now the haters are gonna eat their words like a saturated fat-soaked afterschool snack.
Now the haters are gonna eat their words like a saturated fat-soaked afterschool snack.
It takes a true Artist to convey the devastation Shlubby Dad felt when his dinner predicament reminded him of his tumultuous relationship with his own father.
"Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan" provides New York City with little to do than look menacing and overly grimy.
It might look like I have a pretty good gig, but don’t you think this is kind of fucked up?
I met you at a time of great need in my life. That need? More readers for my newsletter where I rank pizza shops based on taste, texture, and sauce ratio.
I am partially responsible for the continued shrinking of the middle class and growing wage gap among workers. I am sick about it.
And… it has a different shape, from other cities’ pizzas! New York and Chicago are round, Detroit is square, and Phoenix is… star-shaped!
You’ll know that our vegetables are straight from the earth because they will be covered in dirt, sand, and little white stickers with barcodes.
Empty your pockets. Phones out, now! And you know what? While you’re doing that, why don’t you all sing Happy Birthday?
Can We Chat?, 5 PM: Hop off the couch and back on Zoom with a terse smile pasted to your face. Don’t forget to put your shirt back on!
Post on Instagram to both notify the public of your shared sentiment on their struggle while promoting Domino’s new $7.99 carryout special.
Subject: History WILL NOT be kind to the man who ignored breakfast pizza. Not gonna lie, Rob. Reallllly feel like you’re blowing it here.