Metro City Gazette: We Cannot Endorse Mike Haggar
We are ashamed to be counted among a population that would laud a man for performing a piledriver on a disabled person. Please step down, Mr. Mayor.
We are ashamed to be counted among a population that would laud a man for performing a piledriver on a disabled person. Please step down, Mr. Mayor.
Apparently, my haters think I’m ‘off the hook’ but in a bad way, something I didn’t even know was possible.
The "Gold-Gilt Family Plan," for multiple members of the same family that are involved in the same case.
Blocking foot-fetishist would mean losing a follower. It's not a competition, but Gabby has a ton of new followers with her "Trump sucks" schtick.
While not a standout diplomat by any means, there was always the fear of Tillerson putting together a semi-competent performance.
Let's get right into the meat of it: immigration. We're going to stop saying "carne" in this country, aren't we, Mr. President?
Historically (more for you than for me as I'm hundreds of years old), gold values increase during dips in international trade.
How could your bandmates of 13 rad-as-hell years up and replace you when all you requested was an indefinite break to go hunt aliens for a living?
Who's in favor of ending "gun-free zones" and replacing them with "free gun zones"? The answer to every question in America is "more."
Between all the traveling and assassinating, it can be hard to focus on yourself as a hitman. What to do with yourself in retirement?
When the lives of countless transgender children are at stake, I've no choice but to raise aloft my twin sai and declare, "Fearmongers, beware!"
Have you ever tried venison that was tactfully killed using a manual-load weapon and just a few bullets to the torso? It's fucking disgusting.