I Voted in Florida—Sorry About Us
Let me apologize to the rest of the country. If what I experienced is any indication of the way voting is working in this state, then well, we've screwed you again. It's not our fault though.
Let me apologize to the rest of the country. If what I experienced is any indication of the way voting is working in this state, then well, we've screwed you again. It's not our fault though.
If Canada is America's hat, it's the kind that's so big on your head that it swallows your face. Plus, like, Canadian chicks are way hotter.
Hear that? It's the sound of your alarm clock in your memory... the one you turned off an hour ago. Time to get up and vote.
Thanks, U.S. government, for telling us exactly when and how gambling is not wrong and immoral. Bet that goes for marijuana too, huh?
Immigration is a divided subject, and generalizing an entire race is a border you don't want to cross. Or could one man change your mind?