I Tried Eating Like an Instagram Foodie for a Week and Turns Out I’m Not Too Young to Have a Heart Attack
You can never go wrong with pizza, eggs, sushi, unicorn foods, pizza, pasta, rosé, ramen, tacos, or pizza.
You can never go wrong with pizza, eggs, sushi, unicorn foods, pizza, pasta, rosé, ramen, tacos, or pizza.
I’m not sure what the hell he’s talking about, but as a practicing clinical psychologist, he probably knows something that I don’t.
7. Michael Cohen calls his tailors with this phone. When ordering suits he tends to use the phrase “make someone notice me, please.”
Multicolored flames shoot from the crumbling gold tower, as he drips glazz on his eyeball and lights it on fire (this is how you do glazz).
Watching other people play video games on YouTube, crying, and masturbating hasn't helped you find anybody yet. So, what's the real problem?
No one truly understands the introvert. That needs to change, and that change will begin with an uninvited three-hour conversation.
Thanks to the extensive sports section at my local adult video store, I now understand everything about baseball, nudity and all!
Now that Scott Baio is 56, it's time to start making the Playboy mansion safer and more enjoyable for aging dirty old men.
The people over at PornHub decided to get together and throw all of the porn search terms accrued from all of their sites and just stream them live. Enjoy!
The numerous techniques in today's pornography and how they're making us cold towards the act, making it mechanical, taking out the feeling, treating the vagina like a well-oiled plastic bag with legs.
The numerous techniques in today's pornography and how they're making us cold towards the act, making it mechanical, taking out the feeling, treating the vagina like a well-oiled plastic bag with legs.
Brent Vanguard's Six Demon Bag Cock Power Penile Enhancement System contains ingredients like powdered unicorn horn, centaur semen, and dragon wang that will give you a monstrous trouser snake!