“Friends” Episodes, Season 11, Guest Starring 2020 Presidential Candidates
The one where Phoebe divorces Mike after falling in love with Chrissie Hynde, and Tulsi Gabbard officiates at their wedding.
The one where Phoebe divorces Mike after falling in love with Chrissie Hynde, and Tulsi Gabbard officiates at their wedding.
The crumbs on my face, the milk mustache, the hand entirely within the cookie jar—these are all circumstantial and prove nothing. NO COOKIE!
Finally, you can be the cafeteria worker whose job it is to take lunches away from elementary schoolers who forget to bring their lunch money.
Having sex with my wife. She was planning to vote for Kamala Harris and not Beto prior to their sexual encounter.
"Sure, there’s a lot of hype around this, but I trust that he created something that beats that hype, and scares the ever living shit out of us."
Mr. Trump focused on building affordable housing, available to people of color and immigrants, whom he said “don’t get a fair shake in this country.”
I harbor serious doubts whether Gillibrand has the fortitude, charisma, hunkiness, and vertical leap necessary to win the electoral college.
Second Lady Karen Pence has provided access to beautiful color shades such as Partial Birth Abortion Red-Orange and I Can Tolerate Misogyny Maroon.
Your war gets into Yale, just like its father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. Your war is a C student, just like its father.
Unlike Trump ushering children into his internment camps, Roosevelt likely said "please" and "thank you" before locking people up because of race.
"The Royal Tenenbaums" is a movie about people who have so much money but also no money, which I promise you, folks, I promise you that's possible.
You assume liability for certain risks including overcooked steak, delusions of grandeur, eerily dwindling base support, and airborne spray tan.