Recipes for People Who Don’t Cook, but Have No Choice This Weekend Because Their Partner Is Out of Town
Directions: Forgo the kitchen scissors and rip the Hershey’s bag open in the worst way possible.
Directions: Forgo the kitchen scissors and rip the Hershey’s bag open in the worst way possible.
Find a wedge that’s been subjected to a sniff inspection by the Sotterraneo Talpa Cieca di Dicenzo (The Underground Blind Mole People of Dicenzo).
You came here to read a Les Mis-length exposition on a one-step recipe from an expert in rural boho chic.
Pancakes?! Why not mashed potatoes? Who makes pancakes for dinner, especially Thanksgiving dinner?
“Vegan! Give us ze classified recipes and ve vill let you live!” The Vegan’s former best friend-turned-nemesis, General Draganov, shouts.
Glen Lentil goes patty wild, our horoscope writer just wants what's best for you, and a pool manager owns up to an honest mistake.
Scott Scranton explains how to vacay cheaper this summer—without sacrificing fun. Plus, Glen Lentil's blueberry pancakes from the heart.
Glen Lentil's bold summer pasta recipe, Scott Scranton's safest buy/sell stock picks, and blowout deals at Morty's Asbestos Emporium.
If you devote even an hour to cooking, odds are one of your kids will end up in the emergency room. Again!
We at Fatty Matty’s Quakin’ Baconz do not assume liability for any health complications and/or death that may arise from the "DOIN’ IT RAW" special.
Oh. This is chicken marsala? I thought Chelsea said “chicken, more salsa!” That’s fine. Shouldn’t be too different.
1 cup unbleached sadness / ½ cup confidence, ground down until it becomes an unrecognizable powder / 2 heaping handfuls unrealized goals, crushed