A Customer Service Representative Goes on a Date
That’s great, Sylvia. I’ll just make a note of that for my records. Do you mind if I change the subject while we wait for our server to arrive?
That’s great, Sylvia. I’ll just make a note of that for my records. Do you mind if I change the subject while we wait for our server to arrive?
I leaned in super slowly for a kiss when… her freaking precocious daughter popped in so that we could taste the cookies she made.
When my girlfriend walks away, she doesn’t follow her. She stays with me because I’m nurturing and friendly and like, super cool.
You’ve seen the lows; the fighting, the occasional breakups, and the time Jeff left me at Six Flags and the park closed while I was still inside.
You think you know a person and then they run off with 29 of your closest friends to do a smash-and-grab.
Max acknowledges that you are now an out lesbian with a live-in girlfriend and three dogs so he has suggested the following addendums.
Imagine him chasing after a ping pong ball. Imagine him eating a banana horizontally, à la corn on the cob.
"What gives? Let's get fro-yo and drop a piano on him Looney Tunes-style."
I would think this would be first-three-date territory, even. Instead, you decided to mention it a decade into our relationship.
There wasn’t a single awkward pause, which is rare because I get anxious when I talk to a search engine I want to optimize.
Does he keep dropping hints about a dark backstory? Everyone knows that the hottest men are deeply traumatized by their pasts.
Immediately reschedule the client-by-client reviews; I like him so much I’m gonna throw up.