My Boyfriend Was a Hipster and I Had No Idea
There were days when it'd be hot outside and he'd wear a beanie, and not just a light one—stitched wool with snowflakes and reindeer patterns.
There were days when it'd be hot outside and he'd wear a beanie, and not just a light one—stitched wool with snowflakes and reindeer patterns.
Mom wasn’t crazy about the idea of me dating thirty women at once. She said I’d practically be living with a "harem."
My kids look at me and feel empathy for my plight but relief that the task is not theirs. I'm going all the way into the residential abyss.
Valentine's Day seduction tips so that one day she may say, “Yes.” From someone who has never been in a relationship (for obvious reasons).
Saundra was a hot mess of whirlwind crazy. If this was God's match for me, I shuddered to think who Satan would have picked out.
She is afraid of commitment, but at the same time she wants to rush things. Once things are Facebook official, it only gets crazier.
There are a few times a year when I have the energy to have sex, but contrary to popular belief, I'm not having all the sex.
Jacob and Esther each found their soulmates, and they each happened to work at the same place as each other. Isn't God the best?
The gifts that will bring you closer to that special loved one, even when you have to be 500 feet apart.
Janine, love of my life, woman of my dreams, hired a ball grabber for me. I didn't even know those women existed until I met her.
I’m an adventurous soul who is unafraid to eat things - terrible, weird things - in order to prove my affections for a potential suitor.
It was on my twelfth “cheat” sign-in to a dating site when I saw something that seemed utterly impossible: I matched with myself.