The Ashley Garmany Dating Questionnaire
In light of recent romantic failures, I've decided that every guy I meet and think I might want to go on a date with will be required to go through a screening process.
In light of recent romantic failures, I've decided that every guy I meet and think I might want to go on a date with will be required to go through a screening process.
Any argument with a female that does not end in destruction of personal property is an argument that the man wins. That's the curve on which relationship arguments are graded. <p>Women with fake breasts deserve a little bit of extra consideration, if only because they sacrificed their health and comfort to improve your scenery. </p>
'Clinger' is a term for a girl who simply refuses to give a man any free time to himself. Here are the 5 stages, each progressively more aggressive.
So here it is, the big one. The thirtieth birthday. Tomorrow I become socially, culturally and sexually irrelevant.
While internet dating is fundamentally pathetic and wrong, it is becoming a great way to meet like-minded losers who fear a lonely death as much as you.
Even though my ex was constantly in the mood for sex, I willfully abstained through her first four periods. Then we hit the bloody sheets.
Adult film stars are just like you and me. They eat meals, go to work and even break up with each other. I managed to get my hands on some of the separation emails. I hope you enjoy.
When guys aren't able to keep a commitment, it's time to bring out the 'ol 'Stretch-a-Letch.' Yes, this is an instrument of severe torture.
At some anti-evolutionary point in history, a highly abstract concept known as 'love' took place. Relationships have been going downhill ever since.
On your way to securing the affection of a woman, you'll have to avoid a lot of potholes. You may even have to avoid some other holes too.
There could be many reasons why you're not getting any. You better find out before she slams the window of opportunity on your penis.
Both relationships and being single have ups and downs. Wake up your sex life, and hope you can live with yourself in the morning.