Why Does Everyone Want Me So Bad?
I conducted a little survey to find out how badly I am wanted. I took this survey and I found that 100% of people want me. I mean it’s basic math.
I conducted a little survey to find out how badly I am wanted. I took this survey and I found that 100% of people want me. I mean it’s basic math.
Tired of trying in vein to get with women? Being a dick is harder than it looks, but with a little bit of cockiness, you're on your way up.
A website containing a database of cheaters, liars, and bad boys? How cute, the Feminazis are learning how to operate a computer!
When your romantic evening comes to a head, don't forget your manners; hair-pulling and face-fucking are enough to make her spit.
When it comes to hooking up, you have to play by the rules. Baby talk? Anal? If you're not careful, it's going to be your ass.
Whenever I get rare weather and a football game on the same day, I feel I owe it to you to don my Bill Simmons cap and document the day's events.
In order to preserve friendships, there must be rules about sharing lovers. Rules encompassing proximity, time limits, and jealousy.
Yes, even The Nice Guy has a little scum in him too. But you'll probably be more familiar with the dirt from the other 4 levels of scumbags.
Just when you think the perfect non-relationship has fallen into your lap, you find yourself wanting your first non-relationship breakup.
Ever wonder exactly where you stand (or lie) in a relationship? Here are the definitions of every major step from fuck buddy to boyfriend.
From the world-renowned author of the proverbial book of love comes the highly-authoritative manual for stimulation. Aka, The J Spot.
In 6th grade, I went out with a girl named Shanna. She was outgoing and out of my league, and I was shy and a center fielder for the Blue Jays.