If You Don’t Mind Signing This Disclaimer Before You Enjoy That Raw Meat Sandwich
We at Fatty Matty’s Quakin’ Baconz do not assume liability for any health complications and/or death that may arise from the "DOIN’ IT RAW" special.
We at Fatty Matty’s Quakin’ Baconz do not assume liability for any health complications and/or death that may arise from the "DOIN’ IT RAW" special.
There is a half-eaten sub sandwich on the ground. It looks like it has been there for some time. / You're here because you wanted to go "green."
Very hard to get a hold of. / Rarely available but never disappears forever. / Covered in BBQ sauce.
No matter how many side pickles one has in their lifetime, each new side pickle feels like the first.
Who else is willing to be drenched by the grease of your chicken a la finger basket? Let’s see Facebook try and do that.
All of West Tampa’s aristocrats, from Hulk Hogan to the purveyor of Oxyclean, would cavort around his twirling menagerie of slushie machines.
Someone of your social ineptitude fears any conflict, meaning you should absolutely feel nervous about upsetting a bored stranger you can't even see.
"Hello, this is Valedy calling. So sorry I missed the gig. I got pranked. Somebody nailed my coffin shut. By the time I got out, it was the next day."
At each Morpheats location, you're welcomed into a cyberpunk dystopia by a pleather-clad “Matrix d’” who takes you to your virtual table.
My business cards are written on giant chalkboards with a topical joke that changes when I feel like it, and I send all receipts to your email.
If we don’t come up with an ingenious sign, no one will ever come in, meaning no one will share post shots of our killer foam art.
What is the correct spelling of the fermented cabbage that sometimes goes on hotdogs? Sauerkraut, Sourcrowt, Serrkreet, Soorkroot, or Kimchi?