Diary Entries of Batholomew, Jesus’s Least Memorable Apostle
I’ve been in the apostles' crew for almost a year now, but Jesus still makes me wear a nametag every time we hang out.
I’ve been in the apostles' crew for almost a year now, but Jesus still makes me wear a nametag every time we hang out.
Some people don't seem to understand how being a Beppo baby is such a big advantage in the industry.
I know I’ve been closed off my entire life, but, I don’t know, there’s something about right now that just makes me want to bare my soul to you.
I said I was sorry, and Sam said it was okay and that he would stop taking my iPod. This is one example of misunderstandings outside of the Torah.
Now that I’ve got maximum hold of the floss, I will dig it into your gums so hard that your teeth feel loose.
Did you see my tweet from this morning saying I take everyone’s concerns seriously, accompanied by a gif from The Office?
And if you find any let me know. Maybe write down anything you do find and make a note of where it was. Try to be thorough though.
Worried I might embark on a border-spanning bloody warpath? You think I have that many air miles saved up?
I’ve delayed trains for hours at a time just to let couples wet each other’s face holes before departure.
While threats from Panini Whore and other provocatively-named franchises in the region are growing, the Burger Slut position remains strong.
Everybody knows that Paris and accordion music go together like baguettes and butter, cheese and wine, waiters and rudeness.
The Owner of My Once-Beloved Bodega: He’ll call her Boss in the same velvety tone that once stilled my heart.