Excerpt from J.K. Rowling’s New Adult Book, “Barry Bowler and the Waltz of Dread”
If not for the massage therapy, Barry Bowler would have been exceptionally down. Doobie's Hair Salon and Massage Parlor was hardly moral, but definitely enjoyable.
If not for the massage therapy, Barry Bowler would have been exceptionally down. Doobie's Hair Salon and Massage Parlor was hardly moral, but definitely enjoyable.
What, you don't believe in clairvoyants? Well, neither did I. But with this degree of authenticity from DelphiUniversity.com, I assure you my intuition is real.
Prince George wakes up very early on the morning of his first birthday. Unlike other royal babies, he is not shy about his desire to rule, and this time he has a plan.
I hate fishing with Jesus. Well, I abhor fishing anyway, but you'd imagine fishing with JESUS would be a good time. Not so, but I'm here filming it anyway.
If you are receiving this letter, then you know what that means: the monthly neighborhood orgy is right around the corner and we would like to see you there!
For all we know, this World Cup may still be going on; we can't be too sure. As Americans, it behooves all of us to try and find out as much as we can about this.
I'm Don Johnson, Christ's faithful cameraman, publicist, and devoted chronicler of his second coming, and this is the premiere episode with Jesus on a turkey hunt!
Sorry I sneaked on board Apollo 17 without your permission, NASA - that's entirely on me. But listen, can you GET ME OFF THIS FUCKING ROCK ALREADY??
So if I don't buy a beer I have to leave? I was just telling the underdressed young lady here that I can't buy another beer because I'm saving for plane tickets.
John Finklestein went from celebrated art collector to shamed FART collector overnight. Here's how that smelly reputation ended up taking him to the top.
You might have guessed that I am still without a husband. Which is why I have established an online profile in search of dating courtship.
While I'm not a huge fan of sorority mixers, alcohol poisoning, or Spanx, we must appreciate sorority girl slang for its daily usefulness and mellifluous potency.