Rough Directions to Cloud 9
Friends, no one gets up in the morning on planet Earth searching for Cloud 2. We're all trying to get to Cloud 9. And there's no easy way to get there.
Friends, no one gets up in the morning on planet Earth searching for Cloud 2. We're all trying to get to Cloud 9. And there's no easy way to get there.
Create a profile for your unborn infant, and get it started networking with other fetuses before it even takes its first breath.
If you have a character flaw, Craig Ryburn is gonna find it. This is what has kept him in the trade for 34 years. He knows how to put everything on the smallest of tables.
If father and mother ever knew that I met Mr. Oxford at a seedy dive bar, or that I allowed him to kiss me on the cheek that night, they would never look at me again!
If you don’t have any friends, you must forward this to 80,000 people in 57 seconds or else a horned leprechaun will appear and shoot you in the penis with a nail gun.
Talking about football on television gets Chris Berman so steamy under the collar that it makes you wonder just what he was up to during the commercial break.
Dear Santa, how's the Mrs.? Have you given any thought to the arsenic? I promise it's painless. I promise I can make you feel young again.
It's time to overanalyze another Christmas song that you'll NEVER EVER be able to hear again without your mind going to a very dark place.
I spend most of my time bored and lonely on Facebook. And for that, I now know so much about my friends that it's awkward to actually be around them in person.
"When you get to the fork in the road, take it... then you'll find the feline and put a putty knife through its brain stem." This is the Yogi Berra you never knew.
Oceans, as far as I was concerned, are considered full speed ahead. Open the floodgates. Yellow is mellow. Before you know it, a wave will dissipate the concern anyway.
There was no better leading man than Roseanne Barr. Even though he mysteriously mensed once a month, we learned what life was really like in the blue collar trenches.