The Indentured Student Loan
What I am proposing is a student loan program that will allow poor young people to go to university and be useful to society: I call it the Indentured Student Loan.
What I am proposing is a student loan program that will allow poor young people to go to university and be useful to society: I call it the Indentured Student Loan.
Pinkalicious, Middle America's favorite beady-eyed bitch, is a deceitful, thieving shit. There's a dark undercurrent at work in this supposedly fun-filled kid's book.
I know not what this young man is doing to me. I am constantly hanging on my cellular phone the way a hat hangs on a rack in the window of a milliner's shop.
Imagine if you can, a wolf-husky hybrid with different colored eyes , who is the lead murder detective in his state, and who moonlights as the top diagnostician in the nation.
Meet the Minister's Quartet: four holy men who created one of the most historic albums ever to grace vinyl. Since its release, "Let Me Touch Him" has garnered a plethora of awards.
It was very forward of the young man to leave a bit of paper on my desk with his name, calling number, and place of residence. I was taken aback at the breach of courtship protocol.
I am only the ALLEGED naked man found at the duck pond feeding the ducks bagels. Judge, YOUR HONOR, what I'm about to tell you is my side of the story.
I will outline all the terrible attributes that make me a bad person and suggest the underlying psychological reasons why I am perpetually alone. This will save us time I promise.
Baby you and me ain't nothin but rabbits. So let's do it way better, more often, and super sexier than they do it on the Discovery Channel.
There comes a moment in a man's life when he stares into the jaundiced, bleary eye of fate and realizes the inescapable truth of what is to become of the rest of his time in this world.
Today, you have the opportunity to make a difference in somebody's life. While Peter's harrowing 17-story fall may seem too much to bear, your inbox can turn things around.
As your Drain Commissioner, I believe what this city needs more than adequately functioning drains, or streets free of the raw sewage presently covering them, is a 2000-foot tall windmill.