With MIT Online, Anyone Can Be Smart for Free!
Recently the Massachusetts Institute of Technology launched an online learning initiative called "MITx" allowing anyone to take MIT classes for free. Here's a sampling.
Recently the Massachusetts Institute of Technology launched an online learning initiative called "MITx" allowing anyone to take MIT classes for free. Here's a sampling.
Shit Wars is a new game show in which contestants shit into translucent toilet bowls for viewers at home to see and judges to score. Crap your way to Shitking!
With blacks and gays on the verge of becoming free and clear of prejudice, that leaves us with one burning question: Who do we pick on next, midgets, mongoloids, invalids, or people with cancer?
The Texas-sized mass of garbage from the Japanese tsunami slowly approaching California does indeed house over 8,000 refugees in the newly discovered central "city" amid the muck.
I've recently been asked to endorse Pert Plus shampoo to you, the Pointsincase.com reader. Unfortunately, I was also told immediately afterwards NOT to endorse them as soon as I pitched this contest column idea.
The combination refrigerator and freezer thought the oven was pretty fucked up. Then again, they were always judging other appliances; especially new appliances.
Tim Cook, in taking over for Steve Jobs as CEO of Apple, the most successful company on Earth, reveals a startling revelation about what would have happened had we defaulted on our national debt.
I was the ripe age of 16 when I first realized I could fly. I'd always suspected there was something different about me, but looking back it should have been more obvious.
Felix sat down in one of the moderately expensive chairs and set his briefcase on the table in front of him. Inside was the script. Not just any script, but his life's accomplishment.
Nowadays, it's all too common for a mother to have the holy blue hell beaten out of her daily by her 8-year-old son. But not after a visit by one of our trained sex offender actors!
This is about reality television redefining who we are and what visions we have for the future. The TV cage match between Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian will propel us into a new age.
It's like, I know I smell kind of gross, but it's a rotting corpse thing, can you really blame me? Just ONE mummy body wash, that’s all I ask!