Ohio University Changes Its Mascot to Party-Friendlier Biker Dude
The longtime mascot of Ohio University has changed for the better.
The longtime mascot of Ohio University has changed for the better.
An open letter of apology from a regretful SWAT team member who put his fellow officers in danger. Just another reminder that alcohol kills.
Finally, the Bible's most heated, inspirational passages are available, direct from Adam’s own cocaine’d gums and Eve’s herpes-ridden lips.
Thanks to stringent network censorship, some of the best sitcom episodes never aired. This would be the hottest uncut DVD ever.
The strategy is simple: conquer female territory at all costs. You may win some battles, but you haven't won the war until your troops are deposited.
Listen, son, I'll just call up Jimmy Prindley's house and have a little talk to make this all go away. Now close your ears, this is adult time.
Little did you know, every decision you make is hotly debated by almost every member of your corporate body. Penis, you're on speakerphone.
Research into the secret lives of great writers uncovers a shared interest in delicious pastries. But a muffin isn't the same by any writer's name.
Get ready for the Q&A that's bound to revolutionize the imaginary advice column industry! Two perspectives, one person - it's schizotherapy!
For decades, Canadian cubic zirconium manufacturers have been using Canadian children for slave labor in CZ death labs. Help stop the atrocity.
Listen, I know it's been a while since we've had a serious talk, but my penis already feels like it's burning in Hell. Oh God, please help me!
With entrees like those sweet, tender Honey BBQ Baby Backs and an endless supply of mouthwatering sides, there's no need for human relationships.