Your Middle Schooler’s “Youth in Government” Field Trip Itinerary
After running out of per diem, your child will unwisely accept financial help from their Russian pen pal.
After running out of per diem, your child will unwisely accept financial help from their Russian pen pal.
I took an “I Voted” sticker and slapped it on. The anti-participation trophy faction in the stands booed this profusely.
When learning how to read an analog clock. He raised his hand and guessed the time was “beer thirty.” It was 11:18 AM.
A few alternative ideas for how to return to your youthful self and satisfy the urge to get back behind the desk.
You’re always baking anyway, what's one more batch of brownies? What about 12 extra batches?
Using the mantra, “Don’t be a crazy person,” Amy has presented as a competent, securely attached parent at drop-off time.
3 washable school "Sure, I’m sticky now, but I’ll eventually be left out to dry" glue sticks
Look at me! Perfectly shaped for ass! And yet the ass does not want me.
No Alex was a few years behind us. I’m Allen. See my nametag? Alex is probably off expanding the limits of the Western world or something, the madman.
People of all nations, races, and creeds forgot their differences and grabbed hands with, randomly, my middle school gym teacher. But it totally felt normal that she was there, if that makes any sense?
Mr. Jensen has not won eight gold medals in curling. In fact, it’s unclear whether or not Mr. Jensen has even seen curling before.
John feels that trick questions on standardized tests are A) Necessary, B) Vexing, C) Forgromulent, or D) A word we made up just to trick John?