Memorable Middle School Yearbook Entries
"Jared, thanks for the Gyrados. Remember when we spent all our money on Jelly Bellys just to feel something? Have an existential summer." -Seth
"Jared, thanks for the Gyrados. Remember when we spent all our money on Jelly Bellys just to feel something? Have an existential summer." -Seth
What little pop culture airtime us homeschoolers get doesn't exactly paint us with the best colors, so I understand why people have some preconceived notions.
The good news is, most of what you learn in school will not help you in life. No matter how thrilling you may find academics, it simply won't help you in the long run.
What I am proposing is a student loan program that will allow poor young people to go to university and be useful to society: I call it the Indentured Student Loan.
<p><img src="/files/u46/DSCN4380.jpg" alt="(a rare action shot of me actually teaching)" width="400" height="300" /><br /><em>(A rare action shot of me actually teaching)</em></p>
Yeah, you—the girl whose picture is plastered all over my yearbook. Just because you’re dead. What makes you think you're so special?
Dear Parents: As the school year ends, we are excited to update you on your child’s progress at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Combating boredom during class isn't easy. Here are some spicy alternative activities you haven't thought of - trust me.
Welcome to Male Finishing School: Soak up your semen slang, but watch out, this thick load of vocabulary can be quite a mouthful.
Maybe eight or nine teachers have ever really reached me and Bruce was one of them. He was eccentric, intense, and fun.
In 6th grade, I went out with a girl named Shanna. She was outgoing and out of my league, and I was shy and a center fielder for the Blue Jays.
The top 10 ways to trick yourself into feeling like you're actually making progress on an 8-page term paper.