A Template for Confessing Your Infidelity and/or Announcing You Are the New Pope
I think we can all agree: it is odd how a single (accidental text message / vote with my fellow Cardinals) can change the course of history
I think we can all agree: it is odd how a single (accidental text message / vote with my fellow Cardinals) can change the course of history
Not to be a prude, but when you’re loud late at night it keeps me awake when I’m trying to sleep.
Boy meets girl, girl falls for boy and sacrifices everything. How are we supposed to change society if we keep glorifying these shitty images?
If you are caught engaging in coitus during a club meeting, the excuse “but I was just pinging her pong” is far from adequate.
No one leaves this barbecue place walking straight on account of the barbecue fucks so hard. Yeah, that's good.
This person is definitely not your boyfriend or girlfriend or someone you even like very much. How do you define these short-term relationships?
So first you met a crustacean down at the beach and the two of you “really hit it off.” Let’s unpack that a bit.
- Are fish and chips macrobiotic? Probably not. - Can’t believe scientists can clone a sheep but can’t make fish and chips macrobiotic.
Above The Rim: No one gets a scholarship to Georgetown, where many hookups can take place, because the grounds have been converted to a WeWork space.
I was the one who asked for it, and I had a lot of success at first: one, two, three! Three brides! Ah, ah, ah!
The lack of children being born is not due to Millennials having less sex, but rather the funky little houseplants known as spider plants.