This Star Wars Tattoo Actually Had a Really Cool Backstory in the Old Continuity
You probably know it as the royal insignia of Prince Cuddles from Planet Wuv, curator of the Garden of Rainbows and Dreams.
You probably know it as the royal insignia of Prince Cuddles from Planet Wuv, curator of the Garden of Rainbows and Dreams.
Strangers on a Star Destroyer by Alfred Hitchcock: Jimmy Stewart’s Luke Skywalker pursues who he believes killed his father, James Mason’s Darth Vader.
- Many movies have been made about their lives - Chosen members of the family get special swords
-Despite it being fairly obvious, your pregnant friend’s wife won’t say who the father of her baby is.
- You like to travel and explore places far, far away. - You prefer drinking in bars with a unique atmosphere and diverse characters.
You are unwise to lower your defenses. / Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view. / You’re just a child with a mask.
When do you take your mask off? A) Whenever I feel like it. I am making America great. B) Only once, to look on my son with my own eyes.
Pride leads to compromise. Compromise leads to shorts. Shorts lead to mosquitos. Mosquitos lead to suffering.
This moment in the film may not be noticeable, but you bet your ass we’ll talk about it on the press tour like we threw the first brick at Stonewall!
Linked directly to Climate Change, immigration is. Displaced by imperialist wars like your culture, many orphans have.
I bet firefighters loved it when the red priestess Melisandre lit thousands of Dothraki arakhs aflame. These days, people only care about fast fires.