If Star Wars 7 Had Been Produced by Sony Pictures
Are you ready for the Sony Pictures Master Plan? We combine Star Wars 7 with Star Trek 13 and Super Troopers 2 all in one gigantic mega-blockbuster film!
Are you ready for the Sony Pictures Master Plan? We combine Star Wars 7 with Star Trek 13 and Super Troopers 2 all in one gigantic mega-blockbuster film!
Here are six characters that could be given their own Star Wars films, and what good and bad would come from doing so.
Come 2015's release of Episode VII, will Star Wars reign triumphant again, or will the franchise descend further into the swamp of midichlorians and ugly, ugly child actors?
Before all you Star Wars fanatics get your storm trooper tights in a bunch, remove that hot light saber from your butt and remember this is about qualitative value, not box office figures.
Recently, new information has come to light regarding Lucas' tumultuous process from concept to big screen. For instance, 'Star Wars' was originally titled 'Space Jam.'