A Failed Attempt at a Hooker Orgasm
Is it possible to rock a hooker’s world? Could I get a hooker to pay me? Only way to find out is to put my penis to work in one.
Is it possible to rock a hooker’s world? Could I get a hooker to pay me? Only way to find out is to put my penis to work in one.
How did Noah gather the animals? How did he feed them all? How did he keep them from reproducing aboard the ship? One answer: BOOZE!
An old woman lingers after hours at the DVD store trying to pick a movie, so one employee takes it upon himself to recommend the saddest comedy ever.
<img src="/files/u2/homeless-rich.jpg" alt="Homeless" hspace="3" vspace="3" width="150" height="179" align="right" />The unthinkable happened to me yesterday: a homeless man gave ME money. I know, it sounds ridiculous, but it's true.
I tripped over a curb at State and flew triumphantly while chewing the remnants of some prematurely dis-enjoyed macadamia nuts. While in the air, the words 'I look like Superman' actually scrolled through my brain.
I have no clue where I am, and I think the world is ending. Lasers are shooting at me from the stage, and Kanye West is there, dancing and singing like a 14-year-old girl.
To truly understand where we are going as partiers, we must understand where we have come from. That includes studying the alcoholic tragedy of the Titanic.
Jack fucked my wife. He fucked my wife and I never would've guessed. Why would I, though? Jack didn't need to fuck my wife.
Seven of the most epic drunk dialing and alcoholic answering stories from Alex Bash. This is why phones need late night lock-outs.
Forget colored tights and camouflaged uniforms. Modern day heroes require a special blend of courage, ingenuity, and animal instinct.
Part I of the horror/humor series following a group of college kids on a misguided road trip, and their ill-fated encounter with the surreal.
Part II of the horror/humor series picks up as the college friends pull in to the rest stop, and head to the restroom for a lot more than a quick pee.