7 Ways to Properly Manage Stress
When life seems overwhelming, it's important to remind yourself that there must be articles out there to help. Somewhere.
When life seems overwhelming, it's important to remind yourself that there must be articles out there to help. Somewhere.
Your life will be more frustrating than you could ever imagine. It is endless agony. Decapitation is the only answer. Off with your head.
Appreciate pointlessness more. Too often it gets shunned and/or kicked to the curb like trash on a street. Undeservedly, it is saddled with a bad, misconstrued reputation.
Here's what I know: we are good at preventing suicides. We just need people to call. So please, if you know of anyone who looks pathetic, give them our number!
Spare yourself unnecessary pain, make your suicide less gory, and minimize the paramedics' laughter when they find you dead from a Flintstone vitamin overdose.
Sometimes you have to kill yourself. I understand, I've been there. When the mood strikes, put on one of these sweet tracks and shove a pitchfork through your neck.
You don't want your suicide note to start off with a cliche line. "By the time you read this, I will be dead" is trite and entirely too dramatic.
Praise be to Allah. We are here to talk about our very important mission, which we do for the grace of God. We are ready to sacrifice ourselves for God like this, in a glorious fight against the unbelievers. For our mission to succeed, we must be strict and observe the rules from the boss.
A cemetery breathes new life into a cast of misfits struggling to find their way in a forest and the world.
It's hard to shake your recent troubled past, especially when the immediate future looks just as broken down. Time to tow your own.
Once you've committed to The Suicide, there's no going back. Ride those fizzy bubbles into the ethereal plane.
Do you want to kill yourself one day? Of course you do! Follow these guidelines for a note that'll really wow your roommates.