eLearning Teacher Tricks (From Ghost Hunters)
Turn on a television set in a dark room, dial into a channel that only plays static, and place both your palms against the glass.
Turn on a television set in a dark room, dial into a channel that only plays static, and place both your palms against the glass.
For free shipping on those meals, send a follow-up text with promo code: YESYOUCANTRACKMYPHONE.
Your Four Grocery Bags So You Don't Have to Make Two Trips: These are overstuffed, precariously placed, and definitely digging into your shoulders.
We hope this message finds you and your loved ones healthy and safe. (We hope you have other things going for you, like parents with substantial savings.)
“I was tired of pissing my pants.” ---Gideon Sundback, zipper (1909)
Cartoon character, beloved by children for their goofy, sweet, and mischievous antics, or actual fintech startup?
At first, I thought, maybe it’s because he’s been streaming a lot of Tame Impala lately and there’s some kind of strange Australia connection there.
Kyle and Derek began training me on all subject matters of the world like philosophy and what Derek would refer to as “dank-ass internet shitposts.”
I’m here to tell you that for your upcoming, serious, life-threatening gallbladder removal surgery, you’re on your own, kiddo.
Strategist, Influencer Marketing – What do any of these words mean, and furthermore what do they mean when they’re next to each other?
- Your phone’s insistence that you can’t take pictures until you delete stuff. - Your phone’s refusal to agree that deleting 32 pictures was enough.
Roy was always trying to make a quick buck. He had all the best schemes in high school, and he also never had any money when the bill came.