I’m Replacing Your Zoom Cooking Instructor, But I’ve Never Seen This Recipe Before, So Bear with Me
Oh. This is chicken marsala? I thought Chelsea said “chicken, more salsa!” That’s fine. Shouldn’t be too different.
Oh. This is chicken marsala? I thought Chelsea said “chicken, more salsa!” That’s fine. Shouldn’t be too different.
7:45 AM: I turn the TV on while I make breakfast. The hosts are showing how to make crab cakes for fifteen minutes straight.
We sympathize that you've lost “thousands of comments I need to get through the daily existential dread,” we have a moral obligation to protect our users.
Nobody likes working a job where their accomplishments go unrecognized or unnoticed, covert Russian hackers included.
I would have given zero stars if I could! It’s really amazing what’s “not an option” up here.
We know you opened us with the best of intentions but let’s be honest, if you haven’t read us by now you never will.
Journal entries dissecting a previous relationship / Bad poetry / Concerns to share with doctor / Reminder to self to be more crafty
AstraZeneca: As a gentleman of an Eton and Oxbridge pedigree, you take pride in dignified indolence. Why give it your all when 70% is just fine?
Does this mean Santa's Workshop will close? Santa's Workshop will live on as a digital storefront competing with hundreds of counterfeiters.
I’m disappointed that after our four-message exchange about how our weekends went, you haven’t proposed. It’s been almost a year, after all.
It’s a tri-weekly show hosted by me on the Pep Boys Podcast Network. Don’t bother looking that network up, just trust it exists.
You pity-listened to your friend's new pandemic comedy podcast once so you'd have an answer next time he asked if you "Tuned in with Tim."