Dante’s eFerno: The 9 Levels of Internet Hell for Social Media Sinners
Learn from the mistakes of the tormented souls you will see on this tour of Internet Hell, or risk paying your next visit not as a guest, but with an account.
Learn from the mistakes of the tormented souls you will see on this tour of Internet Hell, or risk paying your next visit not as a guest, but with an account.
I twist nicknames into erotica. I randomly default to German. I'm a quirky invisible playmate. I graduated college with a major AND a minor. I rule your iPhone.
The @ and # symbols should find another world to confuse. Tweet about this and include #everybody @ planet Earth. You will get retweeted. But don’t expect any Likes.
Make a pact with yourself to send 10,000 tweets every day. Write down this goal on paper and put it some place where you will see it every day, such as your bathroom.
Principal Legree, you hold three college degrees, but have only a pathetic 583 followers. And you claim to rule me? I OWN WESTWOOD HIGH SCHOOL NOW.
Okay, so you want to write for Thought Catalog. Great! Wanting to write is half the battle! Of course, not wanting to write is also half the battle, so don't get too excited.
Avoid posting about the weather, news, your feelings, or "inspiring" Latin quotes, unless you want people to think there's something seriously wrong with you.
BuzzFeed use the beaten-horse style of nostalgic prose so predictably and effectively, that we've already written an excerpt of what you'll see in 2034.
A man's guide to navigating the murky waters of liking, poking, chatting, texting, calling, and friending in order to procure a non-random second interaction.
My friend Thomas received this email and sent it to only 4 of his friends. Guess what happened? All 4 were kidnapped and abused by uneducated, drunk carnival workers.
It's time you embrace social networking, and use Facebook the way all exceptional people do: to get laid. Here's some research to make your profile sexier.
Some would say Mario is more influential than Jesus and Paul McCartney combined. The Italian plumber who looks suspiciously Mexican has gone thru many phases.